ARTundressed – Creative Nude Art Festival
South Florida's Sexiest Arts & Entertainment Event Is Back!
Miami, FL – ES Arts Group announces its 7th Annual Creative Nude Art Festival named ARTundressed. This 3-Day event is scheduled for the weekend of May 18, 19, 20, 2017, and will take place at Miami’s newest Art Complex: ArtHood 56 --- 5600 NW 7th Ave., Miami, Florida 33127.
Take a great selection of creative, sensual, thought-provoking work of art; mixed it with alluring fashion; then throw in some sexy, bumping, soulful music; and blend it with a cast of highly talented and gifted bunch of erogenous performers... Bundle it all together, and there you have it: ARTundressed!
Although the atmosphere at ARTundressed revolves around interaction with ideas and concepts that engage its attending audience, one of the most important aspects of the festival focuses greatly on the art selection process. ARTundressed attracts and exhibits skilled artists who are established and recognized; talented artists who are less popular; as well as junior and freshmen artists who are breaking through and providing a new perspective into the genre of creative nude art. The selection process is split into 4 parts categorizing a curated compilation made up of: A Presenting artist; Featured and Invited Artists; as well as juried artworks. To guarantee the best outcome, the collection of art is chosen by knowledgeable art experts and curators from some of the world’s most prestigious art museums and galleries. Amongst the Presenting and Featured Artists to be exhibited are: Noel (a prominent local artist), and internationally recognized artists such as: Johannes Wessmark; Justice Howard; Robert Babylon; and many more artists representing over 20 countries.
This Year's official painting for ARTundressed is created by our Presenting Artist NOEL... This beautiful work of art will be available at the show for a silent auction. Part of the proceeds of the sale will be donated to an organization advocating the eradication of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation).
There will be an impressive entertainment line-up this year with a different theme each of the 3 days of the art festival; sensual performances that will delight and tantalize all the erogenous spots. For info on the entertainment schedule, please visit the official event website:
Celebrating the sensual aspects of Art + Music + Fashion + Entertainment.
Art Exhibition showcasing over 250 exceptional curated art pieces
A beautiful collection of highly creative sexy artworks that will titillate all of your senses
More than 100 artists representing many different countries
ARTundressed '17 ARTundressed – Creative Nude Art Festival
South Florida's Sexiest Arts & Entertainment Event Is Back!
Meet the Masters behind the art... Over 80 participating artists are planning to attend the show
Live shows and performances; Music bands and deejays; Amazing Visuals; Chic and Provocative Fashion
A packed lineup of talents and performers to entertain you and virtually connect to your erogenous spots
Art Installations and participation by local, national, and international artists who specialize in nude art
Art contests for Body Painting; Live Drawing and Photoshoot Sessions
Catering Services offering appetizing, delicious food, beverages, and cocktails
Friday Night Afterparty: "DIRTY CANVAS"
Saturday Night Closing Party: "The GOOD, the BAD, and the NAUGHTY" Ball
For Press Pass; Vendors/Sponsorship Opportunities, email your request to: For Info / Tickets: